Saturday, February 27, 2010

It is time for the US Government to evolve!

I believe there is a storm brewing among the American people. There is a mass awakening that will take the elected federal representatives by surprise. Look what happened in Massachusetts with the election of Brown! The people of this country are finally starting to become aware of the rampant corruption, waste, and greed of their senators and representatives in Congress... the "house of cards" in Washington is about to come crashing down. This is a bi-partisan request... nearly all of Washington needs to go!

The power vested in the American people by their constitutional right to vote must set the stage for the coming years... we must stand up and shout that we do not want to burden our children (and our children's children) with the mess that was created by politicians today! Let's let the light shine on Washington and illuminate all the dark corners of secret meetings, earmarks, and lobbyist payoffs! It's time for Washington to EVOLVE!

The United States of America is a land where constitutional law should prevail over the corruption in Washington. Did we not all hear Obama fumble through the words: "I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect, and DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES." It usually takes a crisis for people to demand a change... Not the "Change" that Obama brought to the White House... but the "Change" that Obama PROMISED to bring to the White House. What happened to the Transparency? Why are we still at war, and why must we send more troops? Bring the poor men and women who fight a political war come home! Let them come home to their families and let us take care of them when they return. Where is the solution for Health Care? (FYI: Paul Ryan is onto something... one of the few decent men in Congress) Where is the solution for Social Security? Why is Guantanamo still operational? Where is the solution for the earmarks that ravage the taxpayer's pocket books??? What happened to the Constitution??? Obama, you're a failure. I voted for you... for the change you promised... but you're no different than every other crooked politician who steals from the American people to pay off your political debts to the elite bankers, wall street executives, GM, and myriad other lobbyist organizations that helped you get to the top. I am disgusted, I am irate, I am sad, I am sorry, and I am tired of the lies. It is time that a REAL wind of change blew through Washington... not the wind of empty promises and "hot air" of yet another elite politician.

Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution of the United States of America states the "Powers of Congress". Someone should clarify this line of the Constitution: "No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time." In this digital age of the Internet... receipts and expenditures of all public money should be published ONLINE. That would be a good start to Obama's promise of bringing transparency to Washington. Detailed receipts of all government spending with the names of each person who authorized the spending. While I'm on transparency, what about OBAMA'S OWN PARTY behind closed doors to come up with 1,000 page bills that noone can read!?! Denying CSPAN coverage or debate of the Health Care bill? WHAT??? THAT IS NOT TRANSPARENCY!!!

I, like many others, am tired of Washington spending my money and my children's money as they see fit. What about the public/taxpayers? Remember us, Washington? We're the ones paying your salaries! Don't we have a say in how OUR HARD EARNED money gets spent? Sure we can elect new bodies to take your place, but they will be corrupted just as fast as the old bags of meat that are in there now. Empty promises and over-spending will be "the norm" until we get transparency in Government, or A TRUE DEMOCRACY... whichever comes first.

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